Breeding Updates:
Sage and Xena will be the next females to be bred.
Sage – Favo Breeding Update: Sage is due in heat April 2025
Xena – Favo Breeding Update: Xena is due in heat April 2025

Sage photos below………..

Xena photos below………..

Xena – Favo Litter Born 11-23-2024 SOLD
Congratulations are in order for all my clients that have waited and watched Xena’s litter grow and develop into their precious 8 week old loyal companions.
2 Males, 1 Female Solid Black Puppies.

Sage – Xeno Litter Born 11-24-2024 SOLD
Congratulations are in order for all my clients that have waited and watched Sage’s litter grow and develop into their precious 8 week old loyal companions.
4 Males, 4 Females, All Are Bi Color Puppies

Bo had a false pregnancy and did not have a litter. She will be bred back to Xeno on her next heat cycle approximately May 2025.
Reservations and deposits will be carried over to my next litter.
Next breeding availability will be announced when I have a pregnancy conformation.

All of Bo’s puppies will be available.

Bo had 9 puppies with her 1st litter
Photo is one of her puppies from her 1st litter at 8 weeks old.
Bo and Xeno produced smart and gorgeous puppies!
Bo will be bred back to Xeno on her next heat cycle approximately May 2025.
Tentative Due Date: July 2025
Reservations with deposits are coming in on her litter
Bo and Xeno’s puppies will be Solid Black
Sage – Xeno Litter is SOLD!
Sage had her puppies November 24, 2024
Sage had 4 Bi Color Males & 4 Bi Color Females

Sage’s litter is SOLD
Sage gave birth to 8 large puppies
4 Bi Color Males &
4 Bi Color Females
#4 Green Collar, #5 Black Collar, #7 Pink Collar, #8 Orange Collar are the Females in this litter.
#1 Red Collar, #2 Blue Collar, #3 White Collar, #6 Yellow Collar are the Males in this litter.
(Photo below is Sage at 10 months old, gorgeous, smart, obedient, and perfect body posture. She is always loyal and willing to please!)

The puppies will have the coloring and markings like Sage.
She is a beautiful Bi-Color with balanced tans flowing through her coat.
The puppies wil have the traditional black face mask on their muzzle
These puppies will have high ball drive and ready to learn to be your best loyal working dog companion!
(Pups are released to their new homes 8 weeks after birth)
Pups were released January 18, 2025
Sage whelped her puppies 11-24-2024.
She had 4 males and 4 females
Video to the left is one of her puppies in her belly moving around. Healthy active puppy with a solid heart beat.
This was Sage’s first litter. She delivered her puppies without any problems.
Sage is a super good mother, which will reflect on her puppies
Don’t miss out on her available puppy.
Sage had Bi Color (like her coat colors).

My dogs and puppies can determine good from evil and will NEVER let you down.
Xena had her puppies, Born November 23, 2024
She had 2 Black Males and 1 Black Female.
(small litter, huge puppies!)
Pups were released January 18, 2025
Xena – Favo litter is SOLD
Congratulations go out to ALL my clients!


Here is just one client testimonial about her experience with me and her puppy:
Thank you Lori, as you have watched this litter grow, I work hard to raise these puppies to be confident with great dispositions and temperaments.
Britt will be bred back to Xeno in 2025 for another litter of
superior working line German Shepherds
Click on the photos below of some of my friends and clients that love to watch my litters grow with their comments about the last puppy born, Puppy #14 “Fritz”

Britt and Xeno Litter Born July 13, 2024.
Britt had her litter of 14 healthy puppies
She had 9 Males and 5 Females
Britt – Xeno July 13, 2024 litter with happy new owners below:

Reservation and Contract Page click this link
This litter is sold.

Britt had her puppies on July 13, 2024.

Xeno is the father of this litter. I imported him here from Germany in 2021 as a puppy. He is of the Working Line GSD.

Puppy #1 Napping on puppy #11.

This litter is SOLD
Call for information on my Scheduled November 2024 litters.
My dogs are health checked through Embark Genetic testing and are 100% German Shepherd dogs with 250,000 genetic health panels tested. All my black dogs passed all tests with NO genetic defaults.
Brit was carrying 15 puppies. Her x-ray showed 10 for sure, but I knew there were more than 10 in there.
She was due July 15, 2024 at 63 days from breeding.
She was huge and was carrying 15 puppies
I took her in for a puppy head count x-ray on July 10th.


Britt’s ultrasound shows a large litter
Britt is carrying more puppies than you see on this view of her ultrasound.

Britt is a large female with a superior alert drive. She is dedicated to alert and notify you of any unusual activity in your area!

Britt’s Puppy Reservation Application (click link)
Britt’s Puppy Contract (click link)

Britt and Xeno’s Puppy Reservation (click link)
Britt and Xeno’s Puppy Contract (click link)
***** You get to watch ALL my litters
grow and develop on live streaming video 24/7 *****
1. Xena gave birth on her due date which was April 30, 2024. Favo is the father of this litter. She delivered 10 healthy black puppies.
9 FEMALES and 1 MALE, (Click to go to Xena’s page)
She is a sweet heart with kind eyes, She has a super nice disposition, plays and can take the rough puppy play.
Call for information on this puppy! 845-283-3229

Xena’s puppies are from European Working Line Parents. All my dogs are tested by Embark Genetic testing for 250,000 genetic panels. They are 100% healthy and carry no genetic disease’s.
Reservation and Contract Page (Click)

There are no available puppies from my Xena – Favo 5-30-2024 Litter. They do sell Very fast. Don’t miss out on my next litter with Britt and Xeno’s litter! These are superior German Shepherd puppies! Due July 15, 2024.
Born: April 30, 2024
Malley was bred to Favo, (Click to go to Malley’s page)
Litter Born: May 12, 2024
Malley had her puppies May 12, 2024. She had 4 big beautiful healthy males. As of 5-31-2024 (photos below) they are 18 days old. Malley has been SOLD! This is Malley’s last litter, she will be spayed and live out her life with me as my happy companion.
Malley’s litter is SOLD.

Sage and Spice are her daughters. Sage is from my bi color stud Cody, and Spice is a full sibling to Malley’s litter available now.
This is Malley’s final litter. Don’t miss out on one of her outstanding puppies!
Scroll down the page for updated information on Xena and Malley’s pregnancys or click on the links above to go to their pages.

This was Xena’s first litter. She had a perfect whelping, and 10 beautiful, healthy puppies1
Her ultrasound result confirmed her pregnancy! (see photo left)

This photo above is Xena’s x-ray for a puppy count. She is showing 7 for sure, possibly a few questionable spots on the x-ray where they could be a couple more puppies.

Xena is doing well, (Photo left) everything is normal. Her pregnancy exam went well. She weighed in at 92 lbs. She was carrying 10 puppies.

Favo is the father of this litter. He is a big black male weighing 110 lbs. He has a gentle disposition and temperament with a superior alert drive. All my dogs have a great “On and Off” switch!
Reservations are being accepted on all upcoming litters!
Reservation and Contract Page (Click)
Xena’s “Embark” Genetic testing results (Click)
Favo’s “Embark” Genetic testing results (Click)
Xena and Favo are both from Europe and are superior in their blood lines for the Working Line German Shepherd.
Xena’s great grandfather (Extreme Orex Aykmar ) on her maternal side is a 3 time titled World Champion Schutzhund dog.
Watch his video, you will be AMAZED!

Here is just one of Extreme Orex Aykmar’s training videos:
Extreme Orex Aykmar: https://youtu.be/vcrJG5R9Spg?si=6eUEvn2tF2Qvoa2y
Favo was born here in the USA but was conceived in Europe and his mother was imported here to whelp the litter.
Both are high drive and super intelligent!
This WAS an outstanding litter!
(Photos above are Xena and Favo.)
2. Malley is bred to Favo, Ultrasound confirms her – PREGNANT!
Due May15, 2024
Reservations are being accepted now!

2. Malley is bred to Favo,,,,,
Malley’s ultrasound confirms her pregnant.
Due date is May 15, 2024
Malley is only 6 months old in the photo with her vest on to the left. She has the GREATEST Disposition and she puts her genetic genes into her puppies!

Malley has bred with Favo and this will be her last litter.
Malley has dogs with superior dispositions, temperaments, intelligence, focus and loyality.
In 2017, Malley’s father was titled #1 in the World in Schutzhund and Obedience!

Photo to the left is Malley’s ultrasound for pregnancy.
The dark circles are placenta in which the puppies will be developing for the first 9 weeks after breeding.
These puppies in this photo, are on day 31 of her pregnancy.

Favo is one of my solid black males
Live streaming video link will be available after the litter is born.

Meet “Wilma”, she is Malley’s 1st born puppy
January 15, 2019

Malley’s 1st born at 5 yrs old
Above is “Wilma”, a puppy from her first litter, absolutely beautiful puppies!
Puppies will be available 8 weeks after birth 2024
You get to watch my litters grow and develop on live streaming video 24/7
Shannon, one of my clients sent me this post below:

These are my beautiful Shepherds Karl and Katy. Karl is 9 so is retiring as my medical service dog so Katy is in training to take his place. We have also started training in search and rescue. If you want a beautiful, intelligent, pup with an amazing temperament, Mary Shallenberg breeds the most amazing dogs. She hand picked her for me and she is the perfect dog for me. At 80 lbs she just celebrated her 1st birthday! Thank you Mary. You are amazing.
Thank you Shannon for doing such an amazing job training!
Congratulations to my clients with their new puppies from:
Berit – Favo (born 12-14-2023), SOLD
Bo – Xeno (born 12-14-2023) SOLD
FeeBee – Favo (born 12-20-2023). SOLD
I was very busy raising 3 litters at the same time,
but I loved it!
(Photos below of my puppies new owners)
All puppies are doing exceptional in their new homes! Congratulations go out to all my clients!
I have been blessed with such wonderful clients
that LOVE their puppies as much as I do.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Bo -Xeno Litter: Born December 14, 2023 SOLD

Bo – Xeno Litter is SOLD!
Bo – Xeno

“Xeno” is an import from Germany with Champion Blood Lines! All my dogs are European Working lines, that excel in any discipline you send their training in,

SG Extreme Orex Aykmar (Xeno’s Grandfather) on his maternal side is a 3 time World Champion in Schutzhund. These puppies are royally bred with Extreme Orex Aykmar being their Great Grandfather on their maternal side. They have the brains and temperaments to excel in any disposition you choose to train them in.

I have many litter puppies from past litters all over the country and are Licensed Working Service Dogs for many men and women that have come home from serving our country and needed an emotional support companion.
Bo – Xeno (Puppy #8) SOLD
Bo – Xeno (Puppy #8) Dec 14, 2023 litter was the last puppy to be picked up. Congratulations again to all my clients!

SG Extreme Orex Aykmar (Xeno’s Grandfather) on his maternal side is a 3 time World Champion in Schutzhund. These puppies are royally bred with Extreme Orex Aykmar being their Great Grandfather on their maternal side. They have the brains and temperaments to excel in any disposition you choose to train them in.
I have many litter puppies from past litters all over the country and are Licensed Working Service Dogs for many men and women that have come home from serving our country and needed an emotional support companion.
I received this message below from one of my past clients:
I am so pleased to have such superior dogs out there working and saving lives. Thank you Tim for this beautiful message. My dogs are well balanced with superior dispositions and temperaments. Thank you again Tim for sharing your experience with my dogs and myself.
Mary, feel free to use this on your page.
“For five years I ran a Non profit called Shepherds for Lost Sheep . We trained Service Dogs to help Veterans returning from combat with PTSD TBI and mobility issues . Mary came to be a close friend of mine when one of her clients donated a pup Honey to our program. Mary immediately wanted to know what was going on, the type of training ( all positive reinforcement ) and who the veteran was who would ultimately get her pup.

In those 5 years we got about – 7 or 8 pups. All of them are doing amazing with their veteran and I will honestly say of all the rescues and breeders we have dealt with Mary by far is my favorite . These babies are taking care of and taught to love the minute they are born . They are extremely focused and obedient and I would challenge anybody to find pups with a more sound temperament and personalities .
Each one has not just changed but in fact saved the life of their veteran . Much love for you Mary and your whole pack – truly exceptional Pups who will be life long companions!” Tim

Bo did an amazing job raising her first litter.
Bo and Xeno’s puppies were Born December 14, 2023. She had 9 healthy puppies. I have some reservations in on my litters.
Call, me for updates for available puppies on my next litter with Xena and Favo. Their litter is Due April 30, 2024. All my litters are on live streaming video.
Click the link below to watch Xena’s litter grow up until they go into their new homes.
Litters will be on live streaming after the litter is born and all are nursing well.
Xena and Favo’s April 30, 2024 Live Streaming Video is on YouTube.com

Xeno is producing superior working line dogs! His puppies are confident with superior temperaments!
His father is Extreme Orex Aykmar, a Titled 3 time World Champion Schutzhund dog. (his photo is above)
Berit and Xeno had their litter December 14, 2023. LITTER IS SOLD.
Berit is now spayed and retired living a life of leisure here on my farm.

FeeBee and Favo had their litter also on December 20, 2023, LITTER IS SOLD.

This was FeeBee’s last littter due to complications she needed a c-Section for delivery of her litter. She is now spayed.
“Britt” is from Berit/Favo August 2021 litter and will be bred to Xeno in the Spring of 2024.
Britt’s “Embark” Genetic testing results (Click)


Hi we lost our last shepherd 2 years ago to cancer. We are ready for a new one. We have always had females. And looking for the same. Can you send me information on what’s available and price range.
Larry Swart
Hi Larry, give me a call, and I can tell you about my program for 2020. I am breeding another female in June, Malley with Cody again. It’s to much to type lol, Right now I have a litter that was just born on the 25th of April, but there aren’t any available. My litters are reserved before they are born and this upcoming litter has 3 paid reservations in already. I have waiting liste, but paid reservations have preference. Most often, my litters are all sold and none available. Give me a call, and get in early if you would like to reserve a puppy from me.Call me so you get to know me, and I can find out what you are looking for in your new puppy, to see if my dogs fit your lifestyle. Thank you for looking at my dogs. Mary
Hi Mary,
My family and I just recently had to put our beloved dog to sleep. We would love to get a German Shepard puppy. Can you please email me some information in regards to your next breeds. Thank you so much! Ami
we spoke, and you have sent in the paid reservation, thank you, now we wait. Welcome to my GSD Family
Hi I am looking for another GSD . Can you send information on reservation and price please ?
Hello i have been looking all over the place for someone that know what there doing with Shepards and I think I found it. I’m a veteran of the Marines I did 17 years and 5 deployments to Iraq
I suffer from ptsd and tbi. Do you train your pup’s for things of this nature
Good Morning Dan, First of all, Thank you for your Services.
I do have many of my dogs that are PTSD Trained dogs. I breed and raise the litters, Training for PTSD is working with you and your puppy for months. Are you local to me? If you can give me a call during the day business hours, we can talk and I can tell you about my dogs and their services they perform. 845-283-3229
I lost my 10-month-old sold black German shep pup due to brain chemistry unbalance problem. I had 5 German Shepsshe’s before him. I am looking for a solid black one again. I have had German Sheps since 1973. Please contact me! Thank you.
How is our puppy doing? Thank you John, for purchasing one of my puppies.
Hi Mary,
I had german sheperds all my life my “Bella” died a few years ago and I want to get a new addition. I actually have been looking for a reputable breeder and then I saw “Midnight”. He is beautiful and so pleasant and smart. Amanda, the new owner said the parents are Ruby and Favo. She purchased him from you. He is 4 months old. Do you have any black females. What is the procedure in getting a pup. Reservation? Litters available? Please let me know. I am so looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Paula, I just now figured out how to respond to these comments. Ruby is now retired, she lost her last litter, detached placenta’s and I couldn’t bare to see her go through that physical and emotional hurt again. I have her full sister bred, for a June 15th 2023 litter. She is brec to Xeno and this is their 2nd litter. They are great pups so far, just 4 months old and my clients can’t say enough good about them. If you are interested, in any of my upcoming litters, give me a call. 845-283-3229. Yes, it’s the middle of the night, as I am up and can’t sleep, lol
After losing our previous dog to old age, my wife and I decided to adopt another puppy. We discussed what type of dog we wanted and agreed on a German Shepard. I began to search the internet for a quality breeder near our home. After compiling a list of breeders, I began to make contact with them. The breeder I was greatly impressed with was Mary Shallenberger. During our initial contact, we discussed what type of German Shepard I was looking for as to temperament, companionship, and overall intelligence. Mary assured me if I was patient she could provide me with the puppy I was looking for. As it turned out she was absolutely right. Our puppy, Daisy Mae is exactly what we were looking for. At this time it is important to note that the puppies Mary raises are not in any way “puppy mill” dogs. These puppies are bred and raised with upmost love and care. The amount of time Mary devotes to these puppies is amazing. She provides live camera feeds to her clients so they can monitor all phases of their puppy’s development from birth to receipt. I watched her clean, feed, exercise, and train our Daisy Mae at various times during the day until we picked her up. Mary is also easily contacted to answer any questions or concerns that may arise about the care of your puppy. We are very happy we chose to have Mary breed the puppy for us and highly recommend her as a top breeder of quality German Shepard dogs.
Thank you Andrew for this beautiful writing! I am very happy with our communication during the first 8 weeks of your puppy growing. I am please that you watched the live streaming so you got to know your puppy before you picked her up. Keep in touch, I love updates and photos of the pups growing up. Thank you again.